Atheism threatens KSA due to bin Salman mercenaries fatwas

The phenomenon of atheism is unprecedentedly threatening Saudi society because of the clerics of the Saudi regime and their contradictory fatwas.
“If some people have declared atheism, the reason is the fatwas of the scholars of the Saudi regime,” Saudi academic Dr Madawi al-Rasheed said in a tweet on her official Twitter account.
She explained: “This segment did not reject Islam because of Westernization, but rejected because the regime scientists have proved that they caricature Zifuddin.”
Activist Turki al-Rouqi said on his Twitter account that the phenomenon of atheism in the Kingdom is the main reasons for the absence of clerics who are capable of persuading, the absence of freedom of expression as a social principle, dyeing all government procedures and systems, and the customs and traditions of society in a religious character.
A person finds himself surrounded by all these restrictions that unjustly attribute to religion and has no choice but to escape.
Saudi writers, Ali Saad Musa, stress that atheists in the kingdom “exist, multiply and grow, and some studies say they are among the highest numbers in relative growth”.
The kingdom has witnessed unprecedented changes in the social, cultural and religious level since the rise of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who imprisoned all the scholars who opposed him and left only those who drunk for his policy and even separated religion and fatwas in accordance with Ibn Salman’s orders.
Atheism was rampant in Saudi society, and some have made it public, after the CPVPV was abolished.
Its place was highlighted by the entertainment authority entrusted by Ibn Salman to Turki Al-Sheikh, who rained the kingdom with dance and singing concerts that were once taboo taboos in the Kingdom.
The Kingdom continues to show more episodes of the series of cultural openness and expansion that it has witnessed in recent months, through the efforts of the General Authority for Entertainment, which was found in the framework of achieving Saudi Vision 2030.
Saudi Arabia’s tent of expansion, which the kingdom has shown by the pegs of openness, may open the door for “atheists” to practice their activities with some kind of freedom, despite the Kingdom’s fight against this phenomenon “socially and legally.”