The Saudi regime silent about the scandal of two diplomats in London

The Saudi regime was completely silent about what the British authorities announced about the scandal of two of its diplomats in London.
British Foreign Secretary Dominic Rapp revealed the expulsion of two diplomats of the Saudi regime from the United Kingdom, after accusing them of driving under the influence of alcohol.
The two unidentified persons were expelled from the Saudi diplomatic mission in the United Kingdom, and were charged with three cases.
One of the diplomats was caught driving under the influence of alcohol in 2018, while the other faced charges of driving under the influence of alcohol and dangerous driving.
Driving under the influence of alcohol in the United Kingdom is a serious crime, which may demand that a country lift diplomatic immunity “if necessary” for those diplomats who allegedly committed the crime.
If this is rejected, the UK requests the withdrawal of diplomats from their embassies.
“Because of the serious nature of the alleged crimes, both people were expelled from the diplomatic mission,” Rap said.
The Saudi regime has not made any comment on the incident, which shows extreme misfortune in the work of diplomatic missions and its involvement in loud scandals.
The Saudi regime is known of failing to choose and appoint officials under terms of loyalty to the head of the system, nepotism and corruption, and not based on competence and good character.
There is no place for competence and good management to assume high positions, especially the ministers in the Saudi system, which currently depends on two main conditions. The first is the extent of proximity to the Mohammed bin Salman constituency, and the second is loyalty and good relations with Western countries.
Observers link the continuous adjustments to the high positions in the Saudi regime and its desperate attempt to improve its image on the international scene in light of its internal and external crimes and violations.
The Kingdom, a key ally of the United States in confronting Iran, has come under increasing criticism from the West over the past months because of its human rights record, including the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and her involvement in the devastating war in Yemen.