Exciting new details about the killing of King’s guard

Details about the killing of King Salman’s guard, Major General Abdul Aziz al-Faghm, emerged months ago, confirming frequent reports of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s involvement in the incident and the lie of the official version.
The new information confirmed that al-Ghamm was not killed by gunfire in the city of Jeddah following a “personal dispute” with Mamdouh Al-Ali in his house, according to the official version, but was killed inside Al-Salam Palace.
The information shows that Mamdouh bin Meshaal Al Ali, who is officially accused of killing Major General Al-Fagham – the son of Saudi parliamentarian Meshaal Al-Ali – has absolutely nothing to do with the killing and that he was also killed with Al-Fagham.
Al-Fagham and Al Ali were killed by mercenaries from Blackwater forces in the Debra attack with 11 officers to assassinate Mohammed bin Salman.
According to the new information, the Blackwater mercenaries were able to thwart the assassination in the last minute, after they killed al-Faghm and the Ali family and wounded the rest of the officers involved in the operation.
Mohammed bin Salman was unharmed in the incident, but the sounds and bullets were enough to terrify him.
It is noteworthy that on Sunday, 29 September 2019, the Kingdom’s police announced the killing of Major General Al-Fagham Fire in the city of Jeddah following a “personal dispute”, according to her version that did not convince citizens in the Kingdom.
Major General Al-Fagham was known for his close proximity to King Salman and his protection in many situations. Al-Fagham was also a bodyguard for the late King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz to complement the career of his father, Major-General Badah, who had served as a personal companion to King Abdullah for 30 years.
In mid-2017, King Salman bin Abdulaziz issued a royal order to promote Abdul Aziz al-Faghm (an exceptional promotion) to the rank of brigade.
A reliable source revealed the reason for the killing of Major General Abdulaziz al-Fagham, the bodyguard of King Salman bin Abdul Aziz.
The source confirmed that the reason behind the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to liquidate the bodyguard and loyal to his father, Major General Al-Fagham, that the latter would have conveyed to King Salman the real situation about the Yemen war and attacks on Aramco and the resentment of a group of military officers of the Crown Prince’s actions.
The source said that King Salman is following the news of the country for only an hour because the disease exhausted him and barely be awake for two hours and then spend the rest of the day between painkillers and sleep.
King Salman also instructs his bodyguard Major General Al-Fagham to tell him the real situation in the country, including the Yemen war, after he lost confidence in his surroundings and no longer trusted his son, the Crown Prince. The ocean is under great pressure from the crown prince to deliver news of his own choosing – the crown prince – to the king.
The same source revealed that a number of officers were liquidated because of doubts about their loyalty to the crown prince because of their reservations about the way the crown prince conducts the Yemen war and the heavy casualties among the soldiers that are not declared and opened channels with some princes for a rescue scenario from within the royal family and not through Coup is not yet clear.
The source adds: “Among those officers who accompanied King Salman on official occasions, they will not appear again at events.”
The source stresses the sensitivity of the situation among the royal family. In particular, Mohammed bin Nayef to the north of the Kingdom, while Ahmed bin Abdul Aziz lives under close surveillance because he is eligible to reunite the royal family.