Loose illegal charges… Saud regime’s weapon to punish opponents

The Saudi regime uses broad charges such as sowing discord and disobedience to the guardian as a weapon in order to punish opponents and anyone trying to criticize its violations in the kingdom.
The President of the Human Rights Organization, Yahya Asiri, stated that the charges brought by the Public Prosecution in the specialized criminal court sessions are broad and unlawful, and they cannot be charges within the framework of the law.
Asiri said that such charges can be directed by the authorities to anyone without a legal basis, while the biggest problem is that the specialized court “terrorism court” was established illegally and the system used to combat terrorism is also illegal.
He stated that this system has been criticized and the formation of this court by the Human Rights Council in Geneva, and letters have been sent to the Saudi authorities to change this system and change the law.
While this law was changed, the calamity was that the new and updated version of the new law had legal errors worse than the old one and contained greater violations than its predecessor, according to Asiri.
He pointed out that when the Saudi authorities use the specialized court and this law against civil activists and peaceful persons, they mix a deliberate and deliberate confusion between political and civil work and peaceful work with armed action and violence, and this confusion has proven to the world that what the authorities always claim from the war on terrorism is not a war on terrorism but rather War on freedom of expression and opinion.
International human rights organizations have repeatedly called for the immediate release of prisoners of conscience in the prisons of the Saudi authorities, which have been detained by the authorities during the crackdown on dissidents, activists, writers and preachers since 2017.
The organizations indicated that there are a large number of prisoners of opinion in prisons and that they have not, until this moment, been brought to justice or tried in accordance with the law.
The Saudi regime practices repression and intimidation against everything that is written, criticized, or expresses its opinion, whether through social media or publicly.
A United Nations report had mentioned that the Kingdom was misusing its broad law to combat terrorism in order to silence peaceful opposition, prevent freedom of expression, and imprison critics, as well as accusations that some of them were tortured.
The report called on the Saudi authorities to amend the law to bring it in line with international standards, to stop “brutal and public” executions, and to investigate allegations of torture of detainees.
Activists on social media are calling on the authorities of Al Saud to stop all violations against the owners of thought and free opinion and to release all detainees arbitrarily.
The detainees live in poor humanitarian conditions, according to human rights organizations interested in the file of detainees in the country, as many of them, headed by Salman Al-Awda, suffer from several chronic diseases, and the authorities did not respond to the detainees ’families’ calls to allow them to see them or know their locations, but they excluded simple cases very.