Demands to prosecute Saad Al-Jabri for his human rights violations

Political, academic, and human rights figures demanded the trial of the former intelligence man in the Saad Al-Jabri for his human rights violations.
A joint statement by the personalities said that “in light of the oppressive regime in which our country (Saudi Arabia) lives, robbing people’s lives and properties, plunging opinion holders in detention camps, and killing some of them – at least – in a systematic way in order to get rid of them.”
“In light of the difficult repressive, economic and political situation that the country has not witnessed in its history, the issue of Saad al-Jabri, the first adviser to the former crown prince and interior minister Muhammad bin Nayef, surfaced, where he sought asylum in Canada.”
According to the statement, al-Jabri was considered, during the past two decades, the architect of government terrorism under Muhammad bin Nayef, so he was the right-hand man of the tyrant, and Jabri had the upper hand in abusing detainees through his sensitive position.
“Therefore, we [the undersigned] we demand justice with opponents and enemies. We see that the fate of those who help the tyrants is miserable either at the hands of the tyrants themselves, or at the hands of the people,” the statement said.
The signatories of the statement emphasized the refusal to polish this criminal character, and we do not consider ourselves concerned with what is happening to him in the event of his return, as it is a political liquidation between criminals and their masters, and we do not see in Jabri a political opponent, and at the same time we call on everyone who is injured by something of the crime of this person ( Saad al-Jabri) to file a lawsuit against him in (Canada), the country of his current residence, in order to achieve justice and rumor.
On this basis, it is the duty of local Arab and international human rights organizations not to view Saad al-Jabri as a victim of Muhammad bin Salman but rather to be seen as a criminal who contributed to placing thousands of detainees inside prisons, even before Ibn Salman came to the top of the pyramid of power.
The statement also stressed the lack of support for the actions of the Saudi regime with Al Jabri’s children and relatives, and their arrest, but rather a statement of a principled position that places humanity and the rights of citizens in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia above all considerations.
Signatories to the statement:
Dr. Hamza Al-Hassan. Member of the leadership body of the Khalas movement. London
Dr. Fouad Ibrahim. Researcher and leading member of the Salvation Movement in the Arabian Peninsula. London
Prof. Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Mas’ari. Secretary General of the Islamic Renewal Party. London
Mr. Saud Al-Sabaani. Political researcher and historian.
Mr. Abdullah Madian Al-Ghamdi. Political activist . Canada
Dr. Raja Ali Al-Hassan Al-Idrisi Academy, Canada
Sultan Al Abdali is a lawyer and director of the Arabia Center for the Promotion of Liberties. London