The Kingdom’s economy pays enormous cost for mystery

Observers unanimously agree that the Kingdom’s economy, which is facing a state of continuous decline, is paying the heavy cost of uncertainty that has persisted for more than a year due to the reckless policies of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
The Kingdom’s economy finds itself losing a lot, just as it has lost many since the outbreak of the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and before that the Yemen war adventure and the Gulf crisis started through the siege of the State of Qatar.
This is because the migration of funds abroad will increase if the state of uncertainty persists too much, and with it the local money escapes before the foreign, and the country will lose billions of dollars that flow into it in the form of foreign investments, whether directly or indirectly, and the stock market will suffer setbacks even if it is supported and supported with money Governmental, because anxiety and anticipation do not create economic stability.
The Kingdom has been living for many months, a state of political ambiguity or uncertainty, which countries usually experience when they go through political, security, social, or economic unrest and crises.
This situation overwhelmed the Kingdom after the disclosure of the assassination of Khashoggi at his country’s consulate in Istanbul in early October 2018, and intensified after the CIA and US lawmakers confirmed that it was Wali bin Salman who ordered the killing of Khashoggi.
This state of ambiguity or uncertainty is the most dangerous for the economy, countries and societies, because dangerous indicators are accompanied by the most prominent of them, the withdrawal of foreign investments from the state, the smuggling of businessmen their money, the postponement of the approval of legislation and laws, the postponement of important economic and financial decisions by governments, financial institutions and investors, both. Either, postponing the implementation of major projects, especially medium and long-term.