A “non-Saudi mother” is not entitled to work in the occupations of Saudis

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development said that the mother of a citizen (non-Saudi) is not allowed to work in professions restricted to Saudis.
This came, in response to a citizen’s question on the ministry’s Twitter account, “Is the mother of the foreign (Saudi widow) citizen entitled to work and is counted as Saudization?”
The customer care and social development account confirmed that a citizen’s mother (non-Saudi) is counted within the Emiratisation requirements.
Government figures and data showed that the House of Saud lied and deceived their people and the failure of their plans regarding the Saudization of jobs in the Kingdom and the reduction of record unemployment rates.
Despite the departure of expatriate workers due to the weakness of the economy, the increase in fees for their residency, the high cost of living, and the strict application of the policy of Saudization of jobs, the Kingdom has not succeeded in reducing unemployment rates, whose rate is still very high.
Foreigners dominate all private economic activities inside the Kingdom, and based on the data of the General Authority for Statistics, the failure and lies of the House of Saud clearly show.
READ: Saudi economy shrinks 7% and unemployment to 15%
The first sector: manufacturing industries: The Saudization rate in manufacturing industries was 24%, compared to 76% for foreigners.
The second sector: construction: the percentage of Saudis: 13% compared to 87% for foreigners.
The third sector: wholesale and retail trade: the proportion of Saudis is 23% compared to 77% for foreigners.
The fourth sector: accommodation and food services activities: the percentage of Saudis is 20% compared to 80% for foreigners.
Fifth Sector: Information and Communications, in which the percentage of Saudis is 49% compared to 51% for foreigners.
The sixth sector: professional, scientific and technical activities. The percentage of Saudis is 27% compared to 73% for foreigners.
The seventh sector: arts, entertainment and entertainment, the percentage of Saudis reached 28% compared to 72% for foreigners.
Eighth Sector: Administrative and Support Services Activities: 12% Saudis, compared to 88 for foreigners.
The ninth sector: other service activities: Saudis 19% compared to 81% for foreigners.
Official Saudi data revealed a record high unemployment rate among Saudi male citizens during the first quarter of 2020 and the presence of more than a million unemployed Saudis, in an expression of the evaporation of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s promises to reduce the aggravation of unemployment.