The Saudi regime deliberately prevents family visits of detainees to hide its crimes

The Saudi regime deliberately prevents visits to the families of political detainees to hide his brutal crimes in prison.

Sanad human rights organization said that the Saudi regime continues its repressive approach against prisoners of conscience in the Kingdom.

The human rights organization indicated that the regime sometimes prevents the families of detainees from visiting.

The organization attributed these policies to many reasons: fear of exposing the abuses that detainees are exposed to or psychological warfare against detainees’ families to increase repression.

Sanad confirmed that many prisoners of conscience are deprived of visiting their families or contacting them, which is an explicitly enforced disappearance.

A human rights group has previously documented a series of violations and repressive measures implemented by the Saudi regime against the families of detainees in its prisons during visits.

The rights group Prisoners of Conscience counted a series of human rights violations since it allowed the resumption of family visits to return recently after being arrested for several months on the pretext of the Coronavirus.

It stated that the Saudi regime conducts severe and humiliating searches for the families of prisoners of conscience upon visits before they enter the visiting hall.

Prisoners of Conscience said that the Saudi regime sometimes cancels the visit when the visitor arrives and does not inform him of a new date, in addition to shouting at the visitor offensively when his turn comes to enter.

The Kingdom arrests thousands of citizens and residents on the grounds of publishing political opinions and human rights demands, in addition to a group of people who have been detained despite their complete reluctance to talk about public affairs.

Prisoners of conscience are subjected to deliberate neglect and are not allowed to take medication regularly.

A spokeswoman for the families of prisoners of conscience confirmed the deterioration of the humanitarian, health and living conditions inside the prisons, behind which hundreds lie without judicial charges.

She noted that medicines are few, and the authorities do not respond to the patients’ demands and do not send them to hospitals under the pretext of the Coronavirus.

She pointed out that the food supply is very little, and it is not enough for them, and that what they receive “is not suitable for animal food.”

The spokeswoman revealed that the Kingdom’s prisons are asking political detainees to pay taxes on some internal necessities and asked: “Where do they bring the money to pay you taxes?”

The spokeswoman concluded:Al Saud… Release our sons.. Release the detainees.. Release our sheikhs and scholars.