The Saudi regime arbitrarily and illegally arrests dozens of university professors, including religious and community symbols, judges, intellectuals, writers, and journalists.
Mohammed bin Salman’s massive arrests in early September 2017 included hundreds of Sahwa figures from academics, economists, writers, journalists, poets, novelists, thinkers, and university professors. Authorities have not clarified their fate.
Al-Imam Islamic University alone lost 15 professors, who have been in prison for nearly two years, including Abdullatif Al-Hussein, Yousef Al-Ahmad, Abdul-Mohsen Al-Ahmad, Jamal Al-Najim, Khaled Al-Ajimi, and others.
Many symbols such as Dr. Abdul Karim Al-Khader, founder of the Society of Rights Resolution is absent from the teaching halls at Qassim University. In King Saud University, creative professors such as Dr. Ibrahim Al-Fares and Mohammed Al-Khudairi, are absent as well.
Umm Al-Qura University lost academics, such as Dr. Adel Banaemeh.
And the number of scholars and preachers arrested by the Saudi regime reached 60. While the number of detainees from public university professors reached 50 detainees and 25 journalists, 20 human rights activists and ten lawyers were arrested.
They are subjected to physical torture by beating and hanging from their arms and legs in the prison yards to get them to extract fabricated confessions from them.
Who was arrested with this abuse Sheikh “Ahmed Ammari,” Dean of the Faculty of Holy Quran at the University of Medina previously, with one of his sons after a raid on his home.
International human rights organizations have repeatedly called for the immediate and unconditional release of prisoners of conscience in the kingdom, asserting their right to a fair trial and ensuring their rights to self-defense.
The Saudi regime justifies its crackdown on the opposition by confronting external interests that threaten internal security.
Observers say that the Saudi regime wants the campaign of arrests to send a message to the Saudis that their fate will be like the fate of those who were imprisoned if they were simply criticized in public.