The Saudi authorities are trying to cover up their violations and crimes committed by influencing the media, opening television channels, marketing the Kingdom through these channels and electronic flies, in addition to paying international companies to beautify the image of the Kingdom.
A few days ago, the Saudi Research and Marketing Group announced the launch of a television channel, Al Sharq, which will be “a major contribution to the Arab media space, seeking to broadcast its own toxic programs run by the Saudi authorities.
Major international newspapers, especially American and British, were engaged in the Kingdom’s affairs, confirming a very heinous image of the verdict, especially to the Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, on the occasion of the one year anniversary of the murder of the Saudi journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, in the horrific crime that did not succeed millions. The dollars received by public relations firms in the US and Europe in neutralizing the crown prince for direct responsibility (crime), and in restoring a picture of him, much of the work has been promoted, as a prince of a reformist project in the Kingdom, and modernized open.
What many newspapers around the world, in very clear language, last week reminded of the enormity of Khashoggi’s absenteeism and the assertion that perpetrators and officials should be punished, showed that Mohammed bin Salman’s predicament and governance in the kingdom in general are heavy.
The keenness of the Western media and human rights organization in the West to keep the Khashoggi affair alive in the memory of the world is not something that the Kingdom can deal with how we see it, although pushing public relations experts dealt with by the state of the Crown Prince bin Salman to be announced, days ago, in the famous television program “60 Minutes” in the US CBS, responsible for the crime, and described as awful, and to acknowledge the work of some of the perpetrators with him, and to confirm that the cropping will be from them.
The lack of confidence in the justice system and its rulers in the Kingdom is apparently daunting in the US media and in the active lobbies in the United States, making the impact of Mohammed bin Salman’s remarks minimal, but a notable development from what the official Saudis have been saying for a year.
When reports and opinion articles in The New York Times and others insist on linking the killing of Khashoggi, in his first memory, to a broader scene, the headlines of the most important Saudi official continuing a devastating war in Yemen, caused a major humanitarian catastrophe there, as well as the arrest of reformist women, it means that the solution The problem of visiting US public relations firms about continuing to work with the kingdom is not strengthening other companies in return for more money.