China and human rights violations behind the postponement of Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia

Saudi and other foreign diplomatic sources revealed that the files of China and human rights violations were behind the postponement of US President Joe Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia, which was scheduled for this month.

The Saudi dissident, Abdul Rahman Radi Al-Suhaimi, said that the American intelligence obtained secret information about the arms deals that Mohammed bin Salman agreed on with China, a ballistic missile deal and FC-31 planes to be an alternative to the American F-35.

Al-Suhaimi stated that the information was briefed on the White House hours after Biden’s statement to visit Saudi Arabia, which means that Mohammed bin Salman “entered the hornets’ nest” regarding his relations with Washington and China.

He pointed out that Mohammed bin Salman had agreed to the terms of the entire US administration represented in the announced comprehensive and complete normalization with Israel and allowed the participation of Israeli forces with Saudi Arabia in the security of the islands of Tiran and Sanafir.

In addition to allowing the Israeli air force to use Saudi airspace and airports, increase oil production and cover the shortage withdrawn from the American strategic storage oil by 200 million barrels at a reduced price that does not exceed $70 a barrel, and renewing the petrodollar agreement means that Saudi Arabia has no right to sell oil in a currency other than the dollar.

Mohammed bin Salman also agreed to end the file of the families of the September 11 victims, which is now essential to the new master of the White House about arms deals with China and Saudi relations with Beijing, Washington’s first enemy.

For its part, The Washington Post reported that despite the money Saudi Arabia has spent on lobbyists in Washington, the kingdom has gradually burned its bridges with Republicans and Democrats alike.

The newspaper reported that even when Biden wanted to rekindle the friendship with Saudi Arabia, there was no solid basis for that.

The newspaper reported that the two critical factors for meeting Biden and Mohammed bin Salman are the effects of the war in Ukraine and Israel’s strong desire for the US President to facilitate the normalization of Tel Aviv’s relations with the Crown Prince of the Abraham Accords.

In this same regard, the British DailyMail revealed that the White House is postponing Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia after angry reactions due to human rights violations in the kingdom and criticism from activists for Biden’s meeting with Mohammed bin Salman, who is accused of brutality.

After Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia was postponed, the Israeli newspaper JPost indicated that two Saudi government delegations plan to visit America this month, at a time when Riyadh and Washington are intensifying their efforts to repair strained relations.