The World Refuses Bin Salman, a new Twitter campaign highlighting MBS Crimes

Saudi activists and dissidents are launching a campaign highlighting Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s crimes and his internationally rejected status.

The campaign will be launched next Monday under the hashtag #The World_Refuses_Ben_Salman.

The campaign’s launch comes against the trolls’ efforts to polish the Saudi government, especially bin Salman, through media blackout and whitewashing.

The campaign aims to educate the Saudi people about the global criticism directed at Bin Salman in various fields.

It sheds light on the flagrant violations of human rights under bin Salman, such as the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, the Yemen war, attempts to assassinate opponents, prisoners of conscience files, and the issue of displacement of Al-Huwaitat.

It highlights the dictatorial campaign, injustice and the arrogance of the Saudi regime against the Saudi people.

Crimes stigmatize bin Salman’s reputation

Bin Salman committed a series of human rights violation that caused diplomatic and human rights damage to the Kingdom.

Human rights have occupied European and international attention, and international human rights organizations, due to the escalation of the Saudi crimes inside and outside the Kingdom.

The most prominent of these violations is Saudi activists’ internal repression and the arrests of intellectuals, scholars, and feminist activists.

The global concern about the human rights record in Saudi Arabia is translated by refusing the Kingdom’s election to the Human Rights Council last October.

International condemnations

Human Rights Watch deputy executive director Bruno Stagno tweeted:

“The Human Rights Council has issued a massive rebuke against Saudi Arabia under the leadership of Bin Salman, the only unelected country rejected by the majority of the United Nations.”

“The kingdom won what it deserved due to its serious violations of human rights and war crimes abroad,” he added.

Sarah Leah Whitson, Executive Director of the Organization for Democracy in the Arab World Now (DAWN), said:

“These results tell us the extent of damage bin Salman inflicted on his country’s global standing when it failed to join the Human Rights Council while China and Russia managed to win seats.”

She added, “Although the Kingdom has spent millions of dollars to cover up its heinous violations, the international community does not give it any weight.”

“Unless Saudi Arabia carries out radical reforms, releases political prisoners, ends its disastrous war in Yemen, and allows its citizens to participate in meaningful political participation, it will remain a global pariah.”

Extensive violations

From the viewpoint of the European Union, the human rights situation in the Kingdom is hazardous.

The European Union said that it is closely following the human rights situation in the Kingdom, as well as the conditions of people who defend fundamental rights, as a “continuous issue and a perilous situation.”

International human rights organizations talk about significant restrictions imposed by the Saudi authorities on freedom of expression and association, along with the rights of women, children, and individuals without citizenship, arbitrary arrests of human rights defenders, journalists, and opposition activists, torture, public executions and harsh corporal punishment.