Calls to form Islamic administration of the Two Holy Mosques

The International Commission for Supervision of the Saudi Administration of the Two Holy Mosques has called the Islamic Summit in the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, to the necessity of forming an Islamic administration for the Two Holy Places as an urgent priority and essential entry point to end the violations of the Saudi authorities’ freedom to worship and perform religious rites.

In a statement, the international body stressed the importance of the issue of politicizing the Saudi authorities to perform religious rituals in the land of the Two Holy Mosques. The Islamic Summit talks in Kuala Lumpur with the participation of the countries of Turkey, Malaysia, Qatar, Pakistan and Indonesia today, for a period of three days.

The Commission highlighted the necessity of forming a serious Islamic position to stop the Saudi authorities from using Islamic feelings, especially Hajj, as a political pressure card to pressure several governments to blackmail them politically and violate the right of Muslims to freedom of worship.

She pointed to the continued violations by the Saudi authorities in the management of the Islamic holy places in the Kingdom, such as Saudi Arabia’s use of Hajj and Umrah visas, the deportation of pilgrims, preparation and planning to deny Muslim countries the pilgrimage next season and the practice of political blackmail using sacred feelings as a political pressure card.

She also mentioned Saudi Arabia’s use of Hajj and Umrah visas to support its political goals and aspirations and to buy off accounts of Muslim politicians and media professionals by giving them Hajj and Umrah visas free of charge and illegally to stand by the Saudi administration in its political decisions.

The International Commission for the Supervision of the Saudi Administration of the Two Holy Places stressed that the Islamic Summit in Kuala Lumpur could constitute an opportunity that the world has long waited for to solve the crisis of Saudi Arabia’s extreme failure to manage the Hajj that requires a real Islamic pause and awakening that works to advise and guide the Kingdom on how to develop its performance to serve the millions of Muslims who mean Islamic feelings.

The five countries participating in the summit constitute a major force in the world, with about 350 million people, the total population, and a geographical area of 3 million square kilometers stretching between the continents of Europe and Asia, and these countries occupy advanced positions among the 50 largest countries in terms of GDP, total GDP was $1.4 trillion during 2018.

It is noteworthy that the International Authority for Monitoring the Saudi Administration of the Two Holy Mosques was established at the beginning of 2018 with the aim of pressuring to ensure that Saudi Arabia does a good management of the holy sites, preserving historical Islamic sites, not politicizing the feelings of Hajj and Umrah, and preventing Riyadh from singling out the holy sites.

The commission says that its depth is represented by all Islamic countries, and that it is keen to ensure that Saudi Arabia does not harm the holy places, whether it comes to incompetent management or any type of administration based on policies linked to individuals or influential people.